I am here to help elevate humanity. I specialize in leveraging science-backed approaches to empower leaders, high performers, teams, and organizations to discover their full potential for performance & impact while leading rich and meaningful lives. I believe that this can be accomplished by creating strengths-based systems that enhance and nurture individual and team; engagement, meaning, performance, wellbeing, and relationships (EMPWR.)

I help my clients craft an “ABC High-Performance Mindset.”

ALIGN: Awareness + Acceptance

We must become aware of and accept fully our reality (painful past, unknown future, and present moment circumstances.) Resisting reality is a losing fight. To create lasting change; it is critical to learn to align fully with our experiences in real-time. We cannot accept or align with that which we are not aware of. Self-awareness is a skill that is key to discovering what inner obstacles (attachment to self-limiting beliefs or subconscious narratives) might be keeping us from our potential.

BELIEVE: Believe -> Behave -> Become

Our deepest beliefs about ourselves, others, and of the world drive our every behavior. Our consistent behavior over time determines who we become and what becomes of our circumstances. We will follow our deepest beliefs: to reach our potential we must ensure that our beliefs are worth following.

COMPETE: Give our best effort toward our potential

We are only ever competing with our own potential; many times we do so in the presence of others. The best in the world compete with their own potential to take action toward what is most important to them in each moment. They spend much less time focusing on others.


Empower my clients to increase the amount of time that they spend in the present moment, to become aware of and accept what they cannot control, upgrade to a more useful belief system, clarify their values, create clear and compelling goals and missions that are aligned with those values, and most important for performance; commit to spending more time taking value-driven action (regardless of what obstacles they encounter on the outside, or within.) Empowered leaders take 100 percent responsibility for the quality of their life, for their individual performance & for their team’s performance.

I forgot one more important part! We should have fun doing it (most of the time.)


  • I will show up as a teammate committed to supporting you to achieve what it is you set out to do or be.

  • I will challenge your comfort zone often (in service of your growth.)

  • I will do what I say that I will do and hold you accountable to do the same.

  • I will bring joy, passion, and play to our work!


1.) Choose Coaching Topic 2.) Discover Strengths and Passions. 3.) Describe vivid Dream future Outcome. 4.) Discover Obstacles (inner and outer) 5.) Design Action Plans 6.) Take value-driven action 7.) Reflect on ongoing results, pivot when necessary, and re-attack until we accomplish our goals.

What actually keeps us from accomplishing our mission, meeting our goals, actualizing our vision, and enjoying the process?

I'll give you a hint: look within.

1.) Where Are We Going, and Why?

It is often true that we lack clarity of the “where” we dream to go, and the “why” that drives this choice. Without a direction we get lost, without a “why” we tend to lack the drive to conquer adversity and maintain resilience.

Important Questions: Who or what is most important to you? Do we believe that our work is meaningful? Can we see the real impact that it has on others and the ripple effect on the world? Are we clear on our core values? Overall values? Are our habits, standards, & goals aligned with our values?

I help guide my clients to create a clear and compelling vision of where they want to go, why this direction is meaningful, who they want to go with, and what they will do when they face obstacles.

2.) Inner Obstacles.

We can blame “them,” or we can blame circumstances; but it will always be true that our own inner obstacles are what actually keep us from our potential to consistently live, perform, and lead optimally. Self-limiting beliefs and subconscious narratives influence and shape human behavior, performance, wellbeing, and relationships.

Important Questions: What inner obstacles show up within you? What beliefs, emotions, or sensations show up and keep you from moving toward what is most important to you? What could you be seen doing on camera when you are struggling with these inner obstacles? How have these “away moves” worked for you in the past? Do the inner obstacles go away or come back? Is it possible for me do simple allow these obstacles to be there and focus instead on taking action toward my values in their presence?

Awareness on the individual and collective level is a critical first step to creating any lasting change because we cannot transcend that which we cannot see. It is not the self-limiting belief or the subconscious narrative that keeps us stuck, it is the actions we take when we are unconsciously fused with them.

I specialize in revealing the self-limiting beliefs and subconscious narratives that often get in the way of living empowered.



    -Discover their full potential to live and lead authentically -Develop high performance habits -Develop purpose driven leadership skills -Elevate their impact -Bring More Meaning Into Their Work & Life -Clarify and actualize their vision -Create work-life harmony -Improve their communication and relationships -Improve their overall health and vitality


    -Discover their full potential to live and lead optimally -Create habits that optimize wellbeing & performance -Enhance their mental and skills performance -Improve their relationships -Find deeper purpose in their work -Improve work-life harmony -Better manage their time, energy, and focus -Create and accomplish specific goals to help actualize their vision


    -Create and sustain high-performance cultures -Promote holistic Employee wellbeing -Promote Leadership and Employee Resilience -Improve team communication -Increase team member engagement & retention -Create a mission & vision anchored to a higher purpose -Increase their impact on the world

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